Albert in Bryce Canyon

Albert in Bryce Canyon
Self Portrait, May 2007

Friday, April 25, 2008

It's All Relative!

Nieces in da house !!!
(and brain results)
Sydney and Evette hatched this week after going full term. They are healthy and only minor complications during birth. They were worried about a prolonged pregnancy, that they finally induced, even tho it wasn't planned.
Unfortunately, I missed it. I was there a month and somehow missed it, surprising everybody. I look forward to telling my nieces when they get older that I was there, but they were late.
I cannot get over how much hair they have. Their hair has grown much more in the the last 5 months than mine has!
Final Round Two Results
The only thing left in Round Two is my MRI brain scan. It was declared a tie. The scan results matched my previous Round 1 scan Xmas eve. The scan showed significant improvement then. Three months later, we are stable.
I asked the doc to give me a count, which I never got. To give you an idea of where I am at:
- The largest tumor is 1.6 cm in size.
- There are about 14 "significant" sized tumors.
- Total tumors in my brain - ~40!!!!
Round 2 was a win with a tie for the brain.
Unbelievably, this is my improved state. It was worse at Dx. That's my excuse for whatever I do wrong!
It's all relative!
uncle albert

Saturday, April 19, 2008

K.O. !!!!

I returned back to SF last weekend and started on updating my oncologist here. My nieces are still unborn. Effectively, this is the end of Round 2 with some "remarkable" results from my CT scans.

My spleen that has shown metastases is now completely clear of tumors and lesions!

My hip, the biggest problem in my bone cancer is stable. My hip feels fine. The docs cannot discern what is going on, only that it is stable. I feel very little pain in my hips and bones. In any case it feels much better than before diagnosis!

My brain status, the gumball machine, was doing well after Round 1. The largest tumor shrank from 2.6cm to 1.6 cm. The other couple dozen either shrank or melted away! I just got a MRI scan this week so I will find out my results soon.

Last but not least, my stage 4, primary lung cancer dramatically improved. The pictures are my actual CT images. The 3.6 cm tumor is gone! Better than that, there is no sign of the dozens of tumors in my lungs!!

My lungs are clear except for residual fibrotic tissue. That has been shrinking also.

That is a knock out for the spleen and lungs and wins for bone and brain.

My California doc, the Chief of Oncology, kept making contorted faces as he read my scan report. It's like he has never seen a miracle recovery before!


Monday, April 7, 2008

Where's da twins?!

Names have been changed to protect the innocent

My sister in-law went into pre-labor about 2 months ago. I was just about to head back to SF for a month. She received labor suppression drugs and everything was fine.
I came back to DC to help out. I don't really have a medical reason to be here. Tho, I do look forward to be one of the first to see the twins. Against all odds, mom carried the twins close to full term. I am the driver to the hospital when the time comes.
We are happy we went to term. Now, many of us want them to make their grand entrance. I am contemplating a jumping-jacks/squats excercise program! I have plane tix to SF in a few days.
I have to also visit my hospitals the next two days. Round 2 results will be coming.

Thursday, April 3, 2008



No, not IHTFP that many of my college classmates may mistakenly read......

While at MIT, we had the largest sports program in the country. Many won't believe it, but, we had the most inter-collegiate sports offered in the country as well as the largest intramural program. They stressed participation. Heck, there were 180 ice hockey teams alone, divided into 4 divisions. I was on the intercollegiate tennis and squash teams. I was on over a dozen IM teams. It was very easy to try new sports.

Curiousity continued over the years. One highlight was in 2006, where on my first Curling session, I ended up on prime time Olympic coverage! (See 2006 review)

Alas, today marks the last day of my ITWP season.

Inner Tube Water Polo

It is bazaar "sport" that allows players to sit back in a pool ,but not organized nationally. Tho, to play well does requires special skills. I am the worst on my team lacking some of the skills. But, it is a nice way to help get me back into shape.