Well, I am back in Arlington with my brother after a brief stint in my SF home. I cancelled a lot of appointments and basically only went out with a few groups to save time. I am back in DC to effectively complete my "initial" round of care at Mid Atlantic Kaiser. I finally saw my first medical oncologist before Xmas and she sorta freaked seeing how Mid Atlantic ignored me. She ordered a barrage of tests to finally set my baseline, ... two months and a lot of stress later.
I also got a referal to another specialist, Radiation Oncologist from my new Medical Oncologist that I see tomorrow. I originally asked for a referral to a Radiation Oncologist to cover my second opinion outside the system, $426 for the meeting out of my own pocket. Getting denied was the expected result, however the front office denied me in spetacular fashion. In a form letter they wrote:
"Radiation therapy is not medically necessary..."
I was running around a few days before xmas trying to get the testing done. I had about two hours worth of MRIs just hours before I was leaving on the last flight to SF. The MRIs were torture. Lying still for 20min at a time. The noise amazingly was like a construction site. So many sounds and very loud.
We were allowed to bring CD's to play through cheap plastic headsets. Of course I brought a 3 CD set of my brother's infamous band: shamelessly exploiting tragic events, human foibles, and the absurd, through loud music and other media for fun and profit
They got world wide coverage on CNN, ABC, the Economist and wrote songs for the local #1 rock station.
All I heard most of the time was the MRI machine pumping out a lot of noise.