Albert in Bryce Canyon

Albert in Bryce Canyon
Self Portrait, May 2007

Saturday, February 9, 2008


escorting one of my friends on her first swim from
Alcatraz last summer when life was "normal"

I am heading home to SF next weekend for 5 weeks! My life will not be back to normal, nor will it ever be. But I have convinced my family that I am good enough to travel alone. However, this does not include living alone at my place. Many saw me at my worst and are careful about letting out the leash.

So, for this trip I've instituted the "Rent-A-Lbert" program. I presented this as a solution to having daily contact with friends. Effectively, I will be staying with various friends. I will move around so I can see a variety of people and continue on with my activities. During the weekdays, I will "reverse commute" to my place and use it as an office. Weekends are likely going to be mini road trips.

Then I head back to DC and wait for delivery of my twin nieces in early April. My turn to give back to the family.

Contact me if you want to apply to Rent-A-Lbert. Slots are quickly filling up and I should be mostly booked by the time I arrive. Let me know you have any ideas.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am ready to cry that you posted my picture- you made that day so special to me and I missed not getting to see you last trip! I am in NY in April and would fly down for the day to DC if you are up for a visit - 4 weeks after i get back in that cold cold bay to swim once more. Love, Keri