Albert in Bryce Canyon

Albert in Bryce Canyon
Self Portrait, May 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The other side of 2007

Looks like I'm gonna make it to 2008!

On New Year's Day, I plan on doing an annual tradition. The recreational seakayakers gather and paddle. A couple years ago we were blessed with a double rainbow. I usually paddle my short slow boat to make it a long workout. Not this year....

My medical situation forced me to pass on a lot of annual holiday traditions. I missed the holiday skate in which the ~30-60 year old kids dress up as skain' elves to entertain the much younger kids at the Union Street Parade. Here I am pictured with my fellow skaters, escorting Miss SF and entertaining the kids.

I also renewed my interest in ice skating again. My new skates got some use this year and I even toyed with idea of playing ice hockey again. I even skated in the warm California Sun. I am cutting out all skating for the time being now.

Happy New Year!


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