Nieces in da house !!!
(and brain results)
Sydney and Evette hatched this week after going full term. They are healthy and only minor complications during birth. They were worried about a prolonged pregnancy, that they finally induced, even tho it wasn't planned.
Unfortunately, I missed it. I was there a month and somehow missed it, surprising everybody. I look forward to telling my nieces when they get older that I was there, but they were late.
I cannot get over how much hair they have. Their hair has grown much more in the the last 5 months than mine has!
Final Round Two Results
The only thing left in Round Two is my MRI brain scan. It was declared a tie. The scan results matched my previous Round 1 scan Xmas eve. The scan showed significant improvement then. Three months later, we are stable.
I asked the doc to give me a count, which I never got. To give you an idea of where I am at:
- The largest tumor is 1.6 cm in size.
- There are about 14 "significant" sized tumors.
- Total tumors in my brain - ~40!!!!
Round 2 was a win with a tie for the brain.
Unbelievably, this is my improved state. It was worse at Dx. That's my excuse for whatever I do wrong!
It's all relative!
uncle albert
Isn't it amazing that two little people like that can suddenly arrive into the world. I know, it happens ?millions of times a day, but still seems a miracle. Looks like a good one, too.
- Sue E.
Amazing! They look already grown up. Congratulations to the whole family.
And you, my friend? Also Amazing. Keep up the good work and the positive attitude - I'm thinking there is a whole lot of stubbornness that you are practicing right now, and boy oh boy, now is a good time to dig your heels in. I'm so impressed.
Lisa O.
Hi Albert!
Congratulations on the arrival of your nieces!
And well done on battering the opposition! It is fantastic to hear that you are doing so well. Keep it up!
Hi Albert!
They are too cute! Glad too finally see them in your blog-what's there names?
Huge hugs,
Sydney and Evette
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