The first round of this epic battle between good and evil is over. In one corner are the cancers: stage 4 lung, metastases in brain, bone and spleen. In the other corner are Albert, his medical and support teams and a relatively new cancer drug, Tarceva.
After all the counting of tumors in my head and lungs, the judges have unanimously awarded the first round to team Albert. All tumors have shrunk. The largest marble in my head shrank from 2.6cm to 1.6 cm. The largest in my lung looks like it shrank from 3.6cm to 1.2 cm, though the reports are slightly ambiguous. Many of the smaller tumors disappeared! My hip, which sent me to the ER has not hurt throughout the whole ordeal. This is without any pain killers.
So far a clear victory.
Even better, there was a clear consensus amoung the doctors to forego/cancel traditional Chemotherapy and stay the course with my single agent targeted treatment, Tarceva. Through clinical trials, Tarceva has shown some good results for never-smoking, asians with adenocarcinoma, right up my alley. Funny, results for most others are poor.
All I do now for treatment is take ONE small pill a day. Which is basically what I have been doing after the initial Wide Brain Radiation. It causes a slight rash but very easily taken care of. I basically eperience very little of the side effects of that even a stage 1 cancer patient experiences. Looks like I will skip all the discomforts of chemotherapy and risks. Though, the price tag on just 1 Tarceva pill is $113!!! That is an expensive pill.
It looks like I am going to ride the Tarceva wave for the foreseeable future.
Amazingly great news! If yours will be a miracle, you're definitely on the path to one.
That is great news!
I am so happy with the progress science has made.
We will be seeing you by the beet festival in April.
It's great to keep hearing from you and that the news is positive. Checking in frequently and happy you're posting so frequently.
Such good news, Albert! I'm sending you my love and positive thoughts... wait...did you get them? ;p
Love you!
Yuppie (jumping up and down)...this is AMAZING news!! Tarceva helps and I also think your willingness to live is also a critical contributor. Will keep my fingers crossed as you go thru your recovery.
Today I thought, "let's catch up with Herr Wang" and to my great delight I see such good news. Sehr Gut! Keep up the good score playing Tote Cancer.
Yay!!!!! So awesome to say the least!! Its definately a continuing miracle! When do we get to visit again in SF??
Can't wait to see you (and massage that tumor lightly!)
Bravo!!! The one and only Helmut is back again. Way to go, Albert!! I'm sending you lots of positive thoughts and love.
This is great news!
Hi Albert,
What great news!
Keep up the good fight!
Lots of hugs,
From the land of snow and ice, Edmonton, I think of you often. Your news is amazing. So, you may be paddling at World's - canoe polo yet.
I'm noting Albert,the majority of messages are from the feminine sector - a ladies man?
Take good care of yourself and keep absorbing, along with your cutting-edge medication, all the positive thoughts being sent your way.
"He shoots, he scores!"
Cheering on Albert,
Albert!!! We desperately need an update! Hope you are doing well.
Bill & Marina
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