I am settling into a resting mode. Not as stressful as before the holidays. I 'm tying up some loose ends with initial treatment. In any case I am stuck with this for life.
Mini-me has kept me company (see Dec 16 post) Over 60 lbs of steel sits next to my brother's fireplace. Anyway starting to get creative in finding ways to entertain myself.

Seeing that little fellow standing beside you, he's bigger than I thought he'd be!! Very VERY cool ... he really captures your countenance soooo well!!
Is that a beer mug in your hand!? Ahhhem!
Great to hear that you're doing well - that is an impressive progress report!!
Love the Mini Me with matching stein!
Huge hugs....Joyce
Sounds like a wonderful, miraculous New Year! Thanks for the update. You and your family continue in my prayers.
Can't imagine Mini-me paddling - joint excercises might be in order!
Yesterday I read an Edmonton Journal article regarding a child, now in grade school, who as a toddler had walked out of her home in subzero weather and when found was basically frozen with no pulse. If this sounds a touch familar you and the SF polo team were in Edmonton billeting at my house when the story was broadcast. The baby survived by being warmed slowly over a long period of time and when all was said and done showed no signs of brain damage. The doctors nicknamed her 'Miracle'. Albert, I am passing the name on to you - Oh, and of course mini-me.
Thinking of you from Edmonton where in the past month we have had temperatures (with the windchill) reach -46 C.
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